LOOKING AT HOME - Online vs In person

Now a days home buyers often find house online which is fast and easy, that is why i want to advice the home buyers to search in a verified real estate website. And also find a good real estate agent who is more of an adviser than a salesperson. In an effort to help online homebuyers avoid the disappointment and emotional let down of loving home before they inspect it. I wrote this check list to point out some of the main difference between looking at home online and in- person.


            ONLINE                                                         IN PERSON
1.      It huge                                                             Is it a room or closet?
Photographers can use a wide angle               Buyers are often surprised how much             
lens to make everything look as                     smaller the home appears in person 
large as possible

2.      It looks like a new home                                What is that smell?
HDR image processing can make                    Strong pet odors, mold, and sewer/septic are
a home appear brand new surprises                that you can’t experience online

3.      It looks so peaceful                                         Did I just hear gun shot?
Home staging creates a peaceful                      It is smart to hang out in the neighborhood    
environment but those items can distract        for a few hours to know the real area
you from other details                                        experience

4.      I have a good feeling                                       Is that a goat farm in neighbors yard?
Online listing will rarely show flaws in            Yes, it has happened. Enough said.   
a property. It all positive information


1. Don't get too attached, wait until you visit the property 

2. Find a good realtor, find one who will point out the pros and cons on each home you look at.

3. Try to be patient, impulse decisions in real estate can cost major money and have altering effects. Get ready to invest time and energy to get the perfect place. It well be well worth it in the long run

This is to assist home seekers to avoid the emotional disappointment and frustration of looking for a new home. 
If you are looking for an Agent you can trust your buying or renting process on. I would suggest a reliable real estate agents like fow world properties. "Agent you can trust" 


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